meeba is now live and free to download!

meeba is a social network for travelers.
With meeba you can see other travelers around you, meet new people, contact them and learn from them.
meeba has a local board in which you can ask questions about the area you are in and get answers from people who are there with you.
You can find like minded travel partners to spend your time with, create and join events, add places to the map to help others and much more.
meeba is built by travelers for travelers and is a tool for travelers to help each other and have fun traveling together.
Go now to download the app and start traveling.
In this blog we will keep you updated on new things we are adding to the app and improving it. We will also give you interesting travel recommendations.
Follow us on Facebook: @meebapp, Instagram: @meebaapp and Tumblr: meeba-app for more information and amazing videos and photos.


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